Conflict Resolution Services

“If we manage conflict constructively, we harness its energy for creativity and development.” – Kenneth Kaye

Conflict Consulting Monthly Subscription

What you gain: Peace of mind, affordable professional support and reduced stress levels. Empower yourself and your managers by having access to the confidential advice that is needed to solve and prevent organizational conflicts before they become major disputes with high costs.

What it is: The company owner and up to two managers can have access to a qualified conflict consultant by phone or e-mail for a pre-determined number of hours each month. This subscription also comes with a quarterly Workplace conflict e-newsletter full of practical tips and helpful suggestions to constructively manage workplace conflict to allow your business to maximize employee engagement and productivity. Additional managers and hours of support can be added for an extra fee.

Workplace Mediation

What you gain: A neutral third party to listen to the concerns, moderate the conflict, sort through the emotions, generate ideas and lead you to a resolution through a clear process.

What it is: This service provides you with a mediator to come into your organizational conflict as a third-party neutral to assist the parties as they work through the conflict in respectful, effective manner. Workplace mediation is an excellent option for workplace conflicts that are not able to be solved through one-on-one conversations, conflicts that are going in circles, conflicts that are highly emotional or are anticipated to escalate without a third party to keep the atmosphere safe and respectful.

What you gain: A neutral third party to help facilitate your large group discussion in a way that moderates emotions and lets all views be heard.
What it is: This service allows your team or organization to have a larger group discussion without having to worry that power imbalances, strong personalities or one-sided arguments will take over the meeting. A neutral facilitator will set ground rules, guide the discussion, help to keep emotions moderated and take notes to summarize the views that are being expressed so that they can be reviewed at a later time for action and planning, if that is a desired result. Most times, the main goal of a facilitated discussion is to increase trust and understanding between the two sides. Discussions usually run no more than two hours at a time and can take place on-site or off-site.
Dispute Resolution Training

Customized training session are available to groups of employees, based on the needs of the organization.


Workplace Mediation & Conflict Coaching

A quick description of the services that Intercede offers!

Posted by Intercede – Workplace Mediation & Dispute Resolution Services on Monday, 30 May 2016